Posts in News

Ahimsā embraces the ethical principle of not causing harm to other living things. This ancient concept originated in the Vedas— described as “the first outpourings of the human mind, the glow of poetry, the rapture of nature’s loveliness and mystery”.

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NewsTeresa Byer

Many of us might be bumping up against uncertainty during this period of rapid change that is upon us. We might be uncertain about our careers or businesses. We might be uncertain about our health, our finances and even what we are going to do with the abundance of free time we have on our hands.

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NewsTeresa Byer
A Beautiful Reflection

Enforced idle time can be used profitably in ekagra (attention, focus), and yoga flourishes in serene solitude. The yoga teacher back to work after this hiatus may be more refreshed and better informed and so a more useful teacher. Yes, also keep washing your hands and follow the instruction of health experts. Saucha (cleanliness) is a useful yogic trait.”

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NewsTeresa Byer
Temporary Studio Closure

With heavy hearts, we have decided to close Yoga Grace's doors effective today. This has been such a tough time to navigate through, with so much new information and recommendations arising daily and the situation with COVID-19 evolving so rapidly all over the world. We are definitely in uncharted territory here and are trying our best, as a small conscious business, to do what's right for our beautiful community.

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NewsTeresa Byer