A Beautiful Reflection

Srivatsa Ramaswami


I came across this beautiful post from my wise teacher, Srivatsa Ramaswami. I love his perspective and view of this world event as an opportunity to practice + study purposefully in order to better serve. Enjoy!



"Coronavirus outbreak. It has been termed a pandemic. Truly it is. It has affected the lives of almost everyone. Very few have been directly affected but millions more are affected indirectly, drastically reduced savings, asset values, reduced income. Many events-- sporting entertainment travel-- have all been affected. For yogis yoga classes and events have been ruthlessly restricted or cancelled. My program scheduled even in June has been cancelled, by my thoughtful host.

But the yogi is better equipped for this 'solitary confinement'. The yogabhyasi (one who practices yoga) can really spend the extra time for svadhyaya or self practice. This may be the time to try to practice those difficult postures and vinyasas. Maybe more time for starting a serious practice of pranayama especially antah kumbhaka (retention on an inhale). It will at least show you that the lungs are still free.

Ah and meditation, maybe chanting one can turn the attention to study several texts that are available to the serious yogi-- the Gita, the sutras, samkhyakarika, a few upanishads, hatayoga texts like pradipika. The time can be spent very purposefully. Go through every sutra, read and not just know the word meaning of the sutras but also caress each and every word and understand the importance of each word, each sutra or sloka (verse). Try to feel what Krishna or Patanjali may have felt when they said those precious words.

The enforced idle time can be used profitably in ekagra (attention, focus), and yoga flourishes in serene solitude. The yoga teacher back to work after this hiatus may be more refreshed and better informed and so a more useful teacher. Yes, also keep washing your hands and follow the instruction of health experts. Saucha (cleanliness) is a useful yogic trait.”

With love,


NewsTeresa Byer