by Rob Flichel
Many of us might be bumping up against uncertainty during this period of rapid change that is upon us. We might be uncertain about our careers or businesses. We might be uncertain about our health, our finances and even what we are going to do with the abundance of free time we have on our hands.
Uncertainty can be uncomfortable because in the past, we may have lived with the illusion that we knew what was going to happen in the near and sometimes distant futures. We had schedules that told us where we were going to be at certain times in the future. Suddenly those schedules are gone! Yikes! There is nothing to hold on to! There is nothing to keep us busy and distracted from our thoughts and emotions.
It almost feels like jumping from a cliff into the unknown! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Fear bubbles to the surface. Resistance. Let's distract ourselves by eating something.... or go buy or watch something on Amazon… this leads to consumption (the topic of my next article). Consuming something may feel like we are "filling the void" but it is only a temporary fix.
What if we were able to embrace the uncertainty? What if we were able to sit with the feeling of uncertainty until it no longer held a charge.
After all, even before 2020 we didn't really ever know, with certainty, what was going to happen in the future. We just thought we knew because things usually (but not always) unfolded the way we expected. We were living in an illusion that things were always going to continue the way they were until we ride off into the sunset. We were somewhat unconscious of the path we were on as it had been laid out before us by others. Most of us were following paths because we thought we had to make a living or because it was the way everyone else was doing it. Now, when we look back we can see how unsustainable our lifestyles were.
So now what? We have been "grounded" and forced to reflect on how we were living our lives and we are being given an opportunity to start fresh… with a blank slate.
Here are some questions that might help you form a solid foundation for the next chapter of your journey:
1. What is different now compared to when I started the last chapter of my life? How am I different?
2. What is important to me that I will absolutely not compromise on? (you might come up with a number of things or values here)
3. What things did I once think were important that no longer resonate with me?
4. Who else do I need to consider when making decisions?
5. How sustainable is this plan?
6. How important is health? Beauty? The environment? Fun and adventure? Exploration and freedom of expression?
7. What comes easily for me?
8. What brings me joy?
We are being given another opportunity to redeem ourselves and to create something new and fresh and perhaps more in alignment with the laws of nature. So let's not mess this one up… but, even if we do, we will probably get another chance as this seems to be the way life works, an infinite amount of opportunities to create and destroy and evolve and reinvent ourselves. So have fun! Unleash your imagination! Claim your creative power!
Rob is one of our incredible instructors at Yoga Grace. He is also a skilled life coach. To get in touch with Rob, email him at robflichel@gmail.com.