Trikonasana (Triangle) Workshop | Sat, Dec. 3rd | 2 - 4 pm
Join Marlene Weller for a two hour fun-filled workshop and uncover the secrets and subtleties of Extended Triangle Pose!
What to Expect:
We will be guided through a sequence of Sun Salutations to warm the body and then workshop variations of Utthita Trikonasana (Triangle Pose). We will break the posture down using the wall, partner work and props such as blocks and straps. We’ll follow this with a few floor poses and end with a relaxing Savasana.
The three angles (tri konas in Sanskrit) of a triangle make it one of the strongest and most stable shapes in nature. The triangle pose represents many sacred trinities in our world. Utthita Trikonasa also symbolizes the three Gunas, or qualities that compose our bodies and minds. Let’s get curious and learn the magic and medicine of Utthita Trikonasana together!
Date/Time: Sat, December 3rd, 2022 | 2 - 4 pm
Pricing: $45 (Loyal Yogis get 20% off)
Register and pay online by clicking the button below!